
God's amazing story of relentless grace. Romans is a masterfully written exposition on God’s grace and the righteousness that comes by grace through faith. This book (a letter) is the foundation of the entire Christian faith and has changed the hearts of many as they read and understand the wonderful truths nestled inside.

Messages from our Romans series

Week 1 (2/3/19)
Why Romans?

Week 2 (2/10/19)
Paul, the Free Servant

Week 3 (2/17/19)
The Best Worst News Ever

Week 4 (2/24/19)
Don't Judge

Week 5 (3/3/19)
Faithfulness of God

Week 6 (3/17/19)
But Now!

Week 7 (3/24/19)
Trust Transfer

Week 8 (3/31/19)
Peace Changes Everything

Week 9 (4/7/19)
Proof of God's Love

Week 10 (4/14/19)
Dead to Sin; Alive to Christ

Week 11 (4/28/19)
Living My Truth or His Truth

Week 12 (5/5/19)
Rules Dominated Life

Week 13 (5/26/19)
Power for Transformation

Week 14 (6/2/19)
Victory Over Sin

Week 15 (6/9/19)
Adopted by the Father

Week 16 (6/16/19)
He Prays For and With Us

Week 17 (6/30/19)
What Shall We Say?

Week 18 (7/7/19)
One Question with a Long Answer

Week 19 (7/14/19)
Why Worship God?

Week 20 (7/21/19)
A Logical Response to God - Part 2 Transformed, not Conformed

Week 21 (7/28/19)
Not Too Low; Not too High

Week 22 (8/04/19)
Renewed Love

Week 23 (8/11/19)
Renewed Love - Part 2

Week 24 (8/18/19)
When we think God put the WRONG PEOPLE in charge

Week 25 (8/25/19)
The Debt of Love

Week 26 (9/1/19)
Can't We All Get Along?

Week 27 (9/15/19)
Heart and Soul

Week 28 (9/22/19)
Hidden Treasures