
September 15, 2019-November 3, 2019

The story of Jonah is really all of our stories. Each one of us can look back at some point in our lives where we have attempted to run from God. What many of us have discovered is while we can run from God, we can’t outrun God! In this series, we will rediscover the mercy of God for each of our lives.

Poster for Hope Church's Jonah - A Tale of Mercy message series

Messages from our Jonah series

Week 1 (9/29/19)
I am Jonah

Week 2 (10/13/19)
Rebounding from Rebellion

Week 3 (10/20/19)
Second Chances

Week 4 (10/27/19)
Prophet in Meltdown

Week 5 (11/3/19)
The God of Jonah